Tuesday 28 January 2014

Compatroits call by Favour Kelechi Chima

O compatriots!
            Arise O Compatriots
           Nigeria's call obey
           To serve our Fatherland
           With love and strength and faith
           The labors of our heroes past
           Shall never be in vain
           To serve with heart and might
           One nation bound in freedom
           Peace and unity
Nigeria is blessed with so many resources but Nigeria is challenged with so many issues. Indiscipline,corruption and selfishness. But this is a time for all Nigerians to come under one umbrella, that umbrella under which we all embrace peace.
      Hausa,Igbo,Yoruba,Efik,Itsekiri,Urhobo,from the middle belt, from the North and South, from the South East and from the North West, from the FCT, from the riverine areas and from the dry regions.
       This year, I advice you to be committed to raising solutions for our country Nigeria. Many of us are quick to fault and quick to condemn. Before you jump to insult or prick a fellow in many places, before you beat the daylights out of a fellow with that baton of a tongue, you should stop to think. Wouldn't you remove the long timber in your own eyes so that you can see clearly to remove that grain in that compatriot's eye?
Before you commit that sin you call "venial", think of those repercussions.
      Reminds me of a musician,produced a song he called "Little Drops" and well, he said little drops make an ocean and that there are repercussions. Of course, there are repercussions for your actions, I can call them rewards as each and everyone of us will be rewarded for what we do in this life; these rewards we shall receive here and hereafter.
        We are so quick to blame our government and the authorities as if we have no parts to play. As a citizen, you can't eat crow when you have made a mistake but you furiously criticize a leader than won't eat his words. If only we won't sweat the small stuff, we would focus and stay set on greater things for the greater good of our nation.
         I don't think it is mere coincidence that the words "Compatriot" and "Patriotism" are alike. I checked the dictionary for their meanings and the concept of love of country only made more sense to me. A compatriot is somebody from one's own country, a fellow countryman. Interestingly and beautifully, Patriotism was defined as love of country, a passion which inspires one to serve one's country and most beautifully,devotion to the welfare of one's compatriot.
But how many of us really have our compatriots in mind, how many of us are careful not to hurt another, how many of us bother to love except the number of us with regenerated minds, many have to chosen to create, live in and resort to a dog eat dog situation. How do you feel when you push someone down to get the last seat on that bus? How do you feel when you dispose of your waste over the fence and into someone's abode? How do you feel when you dirty that neighbour's frontage and run? How do you feel when you mess up that toilet and leave with no thought for the cleaner? Do you blame everyone else for not doing the right thing? Do you blame those that have been there before you for making a mess while you make that same mess? Are you guilty or not guilty?
          Breath of fresh air...
So, here is what you can do.
-Realize that you have not done your best so far especially if you actually haven't.
-The next time something happens that should bring you out in a cold sweat, don't resort to panicking, blaming, slandering or passing the buck. Be pro-active. Be positive, speak positive, make positive confessions, speak of the perfection and good that would benefit us all, PRAY PRAY and PRAY!!!
       Pray, push and petition until something happens!!!
-Realize that we can do it BY THE GRACE OF GOD. We have the GOD- GIVEN ability to do what is right, to leave right, to dispose of waste in bins and not on roads. Nigeria is richly blesses and sufficiently blessed by GOD. Try not to depend so much or always on expatriate and foreign fresh pair of eyes.
-Drop the Heath Robinsons. Enough of the complicated and not practical, complicated and not effective. No-no. Sometimes, less is more.
-Decide to use public property well. Please act in love and please consider the basic comfort, needs and necessities of the other person.
-Accept that all the haggering and complaining, all the biting and bickering, all the murmuring et cetera are a bit much which means they are excessively annoying.
-Focus on GOD who is more than able to raise us up. HE said " Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people".
-Decide that you will focus on GOD and love GOD who will fill your heart with so much unending and unconditional love, LOVE which HE is, to love Nigeria through Harmattan and Humidity, through drizzle and draught, through plenty and what may seem like penury. GOD will deliver us from peril, there would not be any penury at all.
             For the love of CHRIST compels us all.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
The power and the glory
Forever and ever
Image source: africananalyst.net

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